Incentives Outdoor

Individual, exciting, thrilling—our outdoor incentive ideas and framework programmes.

Discover the possibilities in the fresh air of the Ruhr Metropolis.



Ruhrpott Diplom

For tradition, preservation and everything else—get to know it!

Earn your official Ruhrpott diploma, awarded by the “Association for the safeguarding of cultural hoo-ha” with its 1st chairperson, make ‘em laugh! Would you like to know who discovered the Ruhr Region? And how these strange expressions came to be? Or do you perhaps already know what a Bütterken or a Karo, a Funzel or a Bullemann is? If yes, you’ve already earned a toast and a salt cake. During the foray, questions about such important topics as Malocher, Blagen, the Olle, Klümpchen, Stullen and Schweinchen are on the list. But don’t worry: beer and football also get their due. The handcart travels through the city centre or Essen Rüttenscheid. Including Klümpchens, beer, salt cake, sandwiches, meatballs, sausage, schnapps, small gifts and, naturally, the official Ruhrpott diploma! Duration: ca. 2.5–3 hours, suited for groups between 16 and 30 persons. Get in the know!


Enjoy the Passion

Chrome, sheen and fascinating old-timers.

With “enjoy the passion” you can experience the 60-year-long development of the Mercedes-Benz SL series with enthusiasm, and close up, for here you can take the wheel of selected classics! Our partner “event days” offers organised excursions with Mercedes-Benz classics such as the SL 190 or SL 42. Comfortably guided by a navigation system from point to point along the route, drivers and passengers alike enjoy the changing landscapes. Small or large surprises in the form of evaluation tests, proofs of skill and answering quiz questions give your event a special character. An unforgettable drive on the path to a common goal which moves you and binds you together. Every tour is unique, tailored to your individual preferences. Simply name your key information, and “enjoy the passion” will come up with a programme for you that your participants won’t soon forget!


Die kulinarisch-kulturelle Stadtführung.

Entdecken Sie mit eat-the-world Essens Szeneviertel Rüttenscheid bei einer kulinarisch-kulturellen Stadtführung. Schon vor über hundert Jahren herrschte hier Lebendigkeit, Qualität und Vielfältigkeit. Erfahren Sie mehr über Geschichte, Architektur und Unterhaltungsangebote, während Sie die Vielfältigkeit des Viertels kulinarisch erleben. Dabei gibt´s leckere Kostproben in insgesamt sieben kleinen, inhabergeführten Läden wie beispielsweise einer Bio-Vollkorn-Pizzeria, einer ruhrgebietstypischen Pommesbude oder einem Feinkostgeschäft für Fisch. eat-the-world bietet seit 2008 kulinarisch-kulturelle Stadtführungen an. Während den ca. dreistündigen Events erhalten Sie Informationen über die jeweilige Stadt bzw. das jeweilige Viertel, probieren schmackhafte Spezialitäten und lernen so die kulinarischen und kulturellen Highlights der Stadt kennen. 

P.S.: For additional suggestions for outdoor activities, please visit our blog entry with our partners Teamgeist and simply out tours.



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