Eventlocations outside of Essen.
A look past the city borders will be worth your while.
Actually, Essen offers everything you need for a successful event: terrific incentive options, and fantastic locations in which to spend the evening. But since it’s so close to other cities, a look beyond the horizon is a good idea when planning for an evening event. Although the “horizon” doesn’t really apply, since in the Ruhr Region there are no borders—the cities simply merge into each other, so that you can be in Bochum or Duisburg just as quickly as in many parts of Essen. We’d like to introduce you to two wonderful event locations that are well known beyond the limits of the Ruhr Metropolis.
Jahrhunderthalle Bochum.
Industrial monument and cultural highlight.
The Jahrhunderthalle Bochum (“Century Hall Bochum”) is one of the most famous and beloved venues in North Rhine-Westphalia. No wonder, when you get a closer look at this amazing building with an impressive history. Originally built by the Bochum Association for Mining and Cast Steel Production for the Düsseldorf trade exhibition in 1902, after the exhibition it functioned as a gas power plant. After it was decommissioned in 1968, it was used as a warehouse for a while, but after the decline of the coal and steel industry it lost its purpose within the Ruhr Region. After it was reconstructed and renovated, the Jahrhunderthalle was reopened 100 years after it was first built, and today offers space for concerts and events for up to 1,800 people. Reversible curtains and sophisticated technology allow for the development of numerous spatial structures, allow magical venues to come to life, and form extraordinary event locations. With the “Ruhrtriennale”, the Jahrhunderthalle also houses the most important cultural festival in the Ruhr Region. Distance: 20.0 km, transfer duration: approx. 25 minutes.
Landscape Park Duisburg-North
Old iron and new green.
The Duisburg-Nord nature park is also full of history: In 1901, August Thyssen had a blast furnace plant built here. Crude iron was produced in this plant until 1985, as a preliminary product for the Thyssen Steel Plant. After it was decommissioned, all that was left was a wasteland of over 200 hectares. But thanks to the local citizens, the plant was not torn down; instead, it turned into an incomparable mix of wild vegetation and old industrial buildings. Today, the truly cinematic backdrop, with factory halls that have been renovated and reconstructed for events, offers space for up to 4,200 people—15,000 in the outdoor areas. Furthermore, possibilities for incentives have come together. For example, the former ore deposit bunker has been rebuilt into a climbing park, and a tightrope climbing course has been built from a former foundry building. The landscape park is a really impressive location for events, and rich in contrasts. After all, parts of the RuhrTriennale, the ExtraSchicht (“extra shift”) or the Traumzeit Festival (“dreamtime festival”) don’t take place on the premises for nothing! Distance: 23.0 km, transfer duration: approx. 25-30 minutes.